AI Understanding Deep Learning Solutions My attempt at an unofficial, comprehensive solution set for the book "Understanding Deep Learning" [In progress]
AI Autodifferentiation We build autodifferentiation (AD) from the ground up. Having a deep understanding of AD is essential for deep learning research.
AI Convoluted Computation [In Progress] A dive into computer vision via Convolutional Neural Networks and how the Winograd Convolution is implemented
AI Multihead Attention [In progress] Implementing Multi-Head Attention and Optimized Matrix Multiplication via Strassen's Algorithm.
Projects Compilers Pt. 2 -- Parsing [In Progress] Parsing is where the compiler determines the validity of an input programs syntax. Context Free Grammars, Parse Trees, and more are covered here.
Projects Compilers Pt. 1 -- Scanner Part 1 of the Compilers series provides some background on scanners, regular expressions, and finite automata and builds upon that to implement a simple scanner for the C0 language.
Projects Featured Compiler Design & Implementation *Work in Progress* This is a hands on excursion into the enigmatic and obscure world of compilers. We first discuss the anatomy of compilers and then implement one while auditing CMU's CS 15-411.
Miscellaneous Musings Featured Why Rust? A short piece on how Rust helped me fall in love with computers.
Projects Featured On the Decomposition of Square Matrices An extracurricular paper I wrote for an introductory Linear Algebra course. Matrix decompositions are invaluable tools for compression, which can have extraordinary consequences.
Miscellaneous Musings Random CS Quotes An amalgamation of neat computer-related quotes I've collected
Books Paul Graham Essay Excerpts Paul Graham's essays on his blog is filled with loads of great insight on startups. Here are a few of my favorite excerpts. Some may make less sense without the greater context so please give Paul's blog a visit, it's worth it.
Books Featured The Story of Civilization Series - Will Durant The Story of Civilization series by Will and Ariel Durant is a seminal work of history.
Benjamin Franklin - Walter Isaacson An inspiring figure in American history. Self-made, industrious, revolutionary. He really had a knack for doing what's necessary, when necessary.
Books Past Books I only recently started recording quotes from books I read. Therefore I don't have enough content for many of the books I've read to warrant individual posts, so I figured why not lump some of the better of them together here in one post.